Template tag functions

Yolk template tags simply execute rhai functions that transform the block of text the tag operates on.

Quick reminder: Yolk has three different types of tags, that differ only in what text they operate on:

  • Next-line tags ({# ... #}): These tags operate on the line following the tag.
  • Inline tags ({< ... >}): These tags operate on everything before the tag within the same line.
  • Block tags ({% ... %} ... {% end %}): These tags operate on everything between the tag and the corresponding {% end %} tag.

Inside these tags, you can call any of Yolks template tag functions (Or, in fact, any rhai expression that returns a string).

namespace: template


replace_between(left: &str, right: &str, replacement: &str) -> Result<String>

shorthand: rbet.

Replaces the text between two delimiters with the replacement.


ui_font = (Arial) # {< replace_between(`(`, `)`, data.font.ui) >}

Note: we don't need to include the quotes in the replacement here.


replace_color(replacement: &str) -> Result<String>

shorthand: rcol.

Replaces a hex color value with a new hex color.


background_color = "#282828" # {< replace_color(data.colors.bg) >}


replace_in(between: &str, replacement: &str) -> Result<String>

shorthand: rin.

Replaces the text between two delimiters with the replacement.


ui_font = "Arial" # {< replace_in(`"`, data.font.ui) >}

Note: we don't need to include the quotes in the replacement here.


replace_number(replacement: Dynamic) -> Result<String>

shorthand: rnum.

Replaces a number with another number.


cursor_size = 32 # {< replace_number(data.cursor_size) >}


replace_quoted(replacement: &str) -> Result<String>

shorthand: rq.

Replaces a value between quotes with another value


ui_font = "Arial" # {< replace_quoted(data.font.ui) >}


replace_re(regex: &str, replacement: &str) -> Result<String>

shorthand: rr.

Replaces all occurrences of a Regex pattern with replacement in the text.


ui_font = "Arial" # {< replace_re(`".*"`, `"{data.font.ui}"`) >}

Note that the replacement value needs to contain the quotes, as those are also matched against in the regex pattern. Otherwise, we would end up with invalid toml.


replace_value(replacement: &str) -> Result<String>

shorthand: rv.

Replaces a value (without spaces) after a : or a = with another value


ui_font = Arial # {< replace_value(data.font.ui) >}