Eww - Widgets for everyone!

Eww (ElKowar's Wacky Widgets, pronounced with sufficient amounts of disgust) is a widget system made in Rust, which lets you create your own widgets similarly to how you can in AwesomeWM. The key difference: It is independent of your window manager!

Configured in yuck and themed using CSS, it is easy to customize and provides all the flexibility you need!

How to install Eww


  • rustc
  • cargo

Rather than with your system package manager, I strongly recommend installing it using rustup.

Additionally, eww requires some dynamic libraries to be available on your system. The exact names of the packages that provide these may differ depending on your distribution. The following list of package names should work for arch linux:

  • gtk3 (libgdk-3, libgtk-3)
  • gtk-layer-shell (only on Wayland)
  • pango (libpango)
  • gdk-pixbuf2 (libgdk_pixbuf-2)
  • libdbusmenu-gtk3
  • cairo (libcairo, libcairo-gobject)
  • glib2 (libgio, libglib-2, libgobject-2)
  • gcc-libs (libgcc)
  • glibc

(Note that you will most likely need the -devel variants of your distro's packages to be able to compile eww.)


Once you have the prerequisites ready, you're ready to install and build eww.

First clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/elkowar/eww
cd eww

Then build:

cargo build --release --no-default-features --features x11

NOTE: When you're on Wayland, build with:

cargo build --release --no-default-features --features=wayland

Running eww

Once you've built it you can now run it by entering:

cd target/release

Then make the Eww binary executable:

chmod +x ./eww

Then to run it, enter:

./eww daemon
./eww open <window_name>

Writing your eww configuration

(For a list of all built-in widgets (i.e. box, label, button), see Widget Documentation.)
Eww is configured using its own language called yuck. Using yuck, you declare the structure and content of your widgets, the geometry, position, and behavior of any windows, as well as any state and data that will be used in your widgets. Yuck is based around S-expressions, which you may know from lisp-like languages. If you're using vim, you can make use of yuck.vim for editor support. If you're using VSCode, you can get syntax highlighting and formatting from yuck-vscode. It is also recommended to use parinfer, which makes working with S-expressions delightfully easy!

Additionally, any styles are defined in CSS or SCSS (which is mostly just slightly improved CSS syntax). While eww supports a significant portion of the CSS you know from the web, not everything is supported, as eww relies on GTK's own CSS engine. Notably, some animation features are unsupported, as well as most layout-related CSS properties such as flexbox, float, absolute position or width/height.

To get started, you'll need to create two files: eww.yuck and eww.scss (or eww.css, if you prefer). These files must be placed under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww (this is most likely ~/.config/eww).

Now that those files are created, you can start writing your first widget!

Creating your first window

Firstly, you will need to create a top-level window. Here, you configure things such as the name, position, geometry, and content of your window.

Let's look at an example window definition:

(defwindow example
           :monitor 0
           :geometry (geometry :x "0%"
                               :y "20px"
                               :width "90%"
                               :height "30px"
                               :anchor "top center")
           :stacking "fg"
           :reserve (struts :distance "40px" :side "top")
           :windowtype "dock"
           :wm-ignore false
  "example content")

Here, we are defining a window named example, which we then define a set of properties for. Additionally, we set the content of the window to be the text "example content".

You can now open your first window by running eww open example! Glorious!


monitorWhich monitor this window should be displayed on. See below for details.
geometryGeometry of the window.


This field can be:

  • the string <primary>, in which case eww tries to identify the primary display (which may fail, especially on wayland)
  • an integer, declaring the monitor index
  • the name of the monitor
  • a string containing a JSON-array of monitor matchers, such as: '["<primary>", "HDMI-A-1", "PHL 345B1C", 0]'. Eww will try to find a match in order, allowing you to specify fallbacks.


x, yPosition of the window. Values may be provided in px or %. Will be relative to anchor.
width, heightWidth and height of the window. Values may be provided in px or %.
anchorAnchor-point of the window. Either center or combinations of top, center, bottom and left, center, right.

Depending on if you are using X11 or Wayland, some additional properties exist:


stackingWhere the window should appear in the stack. Possible values: fg, bg.
wm-ignoreWhether the window manager should ignore this window. This is useful for dashboard-style widgets that don't need to interact with other windows at all. Note that this makes some of the other properties not have any effect. Either true or false.
reserveSpecify how the window manager should make space for your window. This is useful for bars, which should not overlap any other windows.
windowtypeSpecify what type of window this is. This will be used by your window manager to determine how it should handle your window. Possible values: normal, dock, toolbar, dialog, desktop. Default: dock if reserve is specified, normal otherwise.


stackingWhere the window should appear in the stack. Possible values: fg, bg, overlay, bottom.
exclusiveWhether the compositor should reserve space for the window automatically. Either true or false.
focusableWhether the window should be able to be focused. This is necessary for any widgets that use the keyboard to work. Either true or false.
namespaceSet the wayland layersurface namespace eww uses. Accepts a string value.

Your first widget

While our bar is already looking great, it's a bit boring. Thus, let's add some actual content!

(defwidget greeter [?text name]
  (box :orientation "horizontal"
       :halign "center"
    (button :onclick "notify-send 'Hello' 'Hello, ${name}'"

To show this, let's replace the text in our window definition with a call to this new widget:

(defwindow example
           ; ... values omitted
  (greeter :text "Say hello!"
           :name "Tim"))

There is a lot going on here, so let's step through this.

We are creating a widget named greeter. This widget takes two attributes, called text and name. The declaration ?text specifies that the text-attribute is optional, and can thus be left out. In that case, its value will be the empty string "". The name attribute must be provided.

Now we declare the body of our widget. We make use of a box, which we set a couple attributes of.

We need this box, as a widget definition can only ever contain a single widget - otherwise, eww would not know if it should align them vertically or horizontally, how it should space them, and so on. Thus, we wrap multiple children in a box. This box then contains a reference to the provided attribute text, as well as a button. In that button's onclick attribute, we refer to the provided name using string-interpolation syntax: "${name}". This allows us to easily refer to any variables within strings. In fact, there is a lot more you can do within ${...} - more on that in the chapter about the expression language.

To then use our widget, we call it just like we would use any other built-in widget and provide the required attributes.

As you may have noticed, we are using a couple predefined widgets here. These are all listed and explained in the widgets chapter.

Rendering children in your widgets

As your configuration grows, you might want to improve the structure of your config by factoring out functionality into basic reusable widgets. Eww allows you to create custom wrapper widgets that can themselves take children, just like some of the built-in widgets like box or button can. For this, use the children placeholder:

(defwidget labeled-container [name]
  (box :class "container"

Now you can use this widget as expected:

(labeled-container :name "foo"
  (button :onclick "notify-send hey ho"
    "click me"))

You can also create more complex structure by referring to specific children with the nth-attribute:

(defwidget two-boxes []
    (box :class "first" (children :nth 0))
    (box :class "second" (children :nth 1))))

Adding dynamic content

Now that you feel sufficiently greeted by your bar, you may realize that showing data like the time and date might be even more useful than having a button that greets you.

To implement dynamic content in your widgets, you make use of variables.

These user-defined variables are globally available from all of your widgets. Whenever the variable changes, the value in the widget will update!

There are four different types of variables: basic, polling, listening, and a set of builtin "magic" variables.

Basic variables (defvar)

(defvar foo "initial value")

This is the simplest type of variable. Basic variables don't ever change automatically. Instead, you explicitly update them by calling eww like so: eww update foo="new value".

This is useful if you have values that change very rarely, or may change as a result of some external script you wrote. They may also be useful to have buttons within eww change what is shown within your widget, by setting attributes like onclick to run eww update.

Polling variables (defpoll)

(defvar time-visible false)   ; for :run-while property of below variable
                              ; when this turns true, the polling starts and
                              ; var gets updated with given interval

(defpoll time :interval "1s"
              :initial "initial-value"  ; optional, defaults to poll at startup
              :run-while time-visible   ; optional, defaults to 'true'
  `date +%H:%M:%S`)

A polling variable is a variable which runs a provided shell-script repeatedly, in a given interval.

This may be the most commonly used type of variable. They are useful to access any quickly retrieved value repeatedly, and thus are the perfect choice for showing your time, date, as well as other bits of information such as pending package updates, weather, and battery level.

You can also specify an initial-value. This should prevent eww from waiting for the result of a given command during startup, thus making the startup time faster.

Listening variables (deflisten)

(deflisten foo :initial "whatever"
  `tail -F /tmp/some_file`)

Listening variables might be the most confusing of the bunch. A listening variable runs a script once, and reads its output continously. Whenever the script outputs a new line, the value will be updated to that new line. In the example given above, the value of foo will start out as "whatever", and will change whenever a new line is appended to /tmp/some_file.

These are particularly useful when you want to apply changes instantaneously when an operation happens if you have a script that can monitor some value on its own. Volume, brightness, workspaces that get added/removed at runtime, monitoring currently focused desktop/tag, etc. are the most common usecases of this type of variable. These are particularly efficient and should be preffered if possible.

For example, the command xprop -spy -root _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP writes the currently focused desktop whenever it changes. Another example usecase is monitoring the currently playing song with playerctl: playerctl --follow metadata --format {{title}}.

Built-in "magic" variables

In addition to defining your own variables, eww provides some values for you to use out of the box. These include values such as your CPU and RAM usage. These mostly contain their data as JSON, which you can then get using the json access syntax. All available magic variables are listed here.

Dynamically generated widgets with literal

In some cases, you want to not only change the text, value, or color of a widget dynamically, but instead want to generate an entire widget structure dynamically. This is necessary if you want to display lists of things (for example notifications) where the amount is not necessarily known, or if you want to change the widget structure in some other, more complex way.

For this, you can make use of one of eww's most powerful features: the literal widget.

(defvar variable_containing_yuck
  "(box (button 'foo') (button 'bar'))")

; Then, inside your widget, use:
(literal :content variable_containing_yuck)

Here, you specify the content of your literal by providing it a string (most likely stored in a variable) which contains a single yuck widget tree. Eww then reads the provided value and renders the resulting widget. Whenever it changes, the widget will be rerendered.

Note that this is not all that efficient. Make sure to only use literal when necessary!

Using window arguments and IDs

In some cases you may want to use the same window configuration for multiple widgets, e.g. for multiple windows. This is where arguments and ids come in.

Window ID

Firstly let us start off with ids. An id can be specified in the open command with --id, by default the id will be set to the name of the window configuration. These ids allow you to spawn multiple of the same windows. So for example you can do:

eww open my_bar --screen 0 --id primary
eww open my_bar --screen 1 --id secondary

When using open-many you can follow the structure below. Again if no id is given, the id will default to the name of the window configuration.

eww open-many my_config:primary my_config:secondary

You may notice with this we didn't set screen, this is set through the --arg system, please see below for more information.

Window Arguments

However this may not be enough and you want to have slight changes for each of these bars, e.g. having a different class for 1080p displays vs 4k or having spawning the window in a different size or location. This is where the arguments come in.

Please note these arguments are CONSTANT and so cannot be update after the window has been opened.

Defining arguments in a window is the exact same as in a widget so you can have:

(defwindow my_bar [arg1 ?arg2]
          :geometry (geometry
                       :x      "0%"
                       :y      "6px"
                       :width  "100%"
                       :height { arg1 == "small" ? "30px" : "40px" }
                       :anchor "top center")
          :stacking   "bg"
          :windowtype "dock"
          :reserve    (struts :distance "50px" :side "top")
    (my_widget :arg2 arg2))

Here we have two arguments, arg1 and arg2 (an optional parameter).

Once we have these parameters, when opening a new window, we must specify them (unless they are optional, like arg2), but how? Well, we use the --arg option when running the open command:

eww open my_bar --id primary --arg arg1=some_value --arg arg2=another_value

With the open-many it looks like this:

# Please note that `--arg` option must be given after all the windows names
eww open-many my_bar:primary --arg primary:arg1=some_value --arg primary:arg2=another_value

Using this method you can define screen, anchor, pos, size inside the args for each window and it will act like giving --screen, --anchor etc. in the open command.

So, now you know the basics, I shall introduce you to some of these "special" parameters, which are set slightly differently. However these can all be overridden by the --arg option.

  • id - If id is included in the argument list, it will be set to the id specified by --id or will be set to the name of the config. This can be used when closing the current window through eww commands.
  • screen - If screen is specified it will be set to the value given by --screen, so you can use this in other widgets to access screen specific information.

Further insight into args in open-many

Now due to the system behind processing the open-many --arg option you don't have to specify an id for each argument. If you do not, that argument will be applied across all windows e.g.

eww open-many my_bar:primary my_bar:secondary --arg gui_size="small"

This will mean the config is the same throughout the bars.

Furthermore if you didn't specify an id for the window, you can still set args specifically for that window - following the idea that the id will be set to the window configuration if not given - by just using the name of the window configuration e.g.

eww open-many my_primary_bar --arg my_primary_bar:screen=0

Generating a list of widgets from JSON using for

If you want to display a list of values, you can use the for-Element to fill a container with a list of elements generated from a JSON-array.

(defvar my-json "[1, 2, 3]")

; Then, inside your widget, you can use
  (for entry in my-json
    (button :onclick "notify-send 'click' 'button ${entry}'"

This can be useful in many situations, for example when generating a workspace list from a JSON representation of your workspaces. In many cases, this can be used instead of literal, and should most likely be preferred in those cases.

To see how to declare and use more advanced data structures, check out the data structures example.

Splitting up your configuration

As time passes, your configuration might grow larger and larger. Luckily, you can easily split up your configuration into multiple files!

There are two options to achieve this:

Using include

(include "./path/to/your/file.yuck")

A single yuck file may import the contents of any other yuck file. For this, make use of the include directive.

Using a separate eww configuration directory

If you want to separate different widgets even further, you can create a new eww config folder anywhere else. Then, you can tell eww to use that configuration directory by passing every command the --config /path/to/your/config/dir flag. Make sure to actually include this in all your eww calls, including eww kill, eww logs, etc. This launches a separate instance of the eww daemon that has separate logs and state from your main eww configuration.

Simple expression language

Yuck includes a small expression language that can be used to run several operations on your data. This can be used to show different values depending on certain conditions, do mathematic operations, and even access values within JSON-structures.

These expressions can be placed anywhere within your configuration inside { ... }, as well as within strings, inside string-interpolation blocks ("foo ${ ... } bar").


  "Some math: ${12 + foo * 10}"
  (button :class {button_active ? "active" : "inactive"}
          :onclick "toggle_thing"
    {button_active ? "disable" : "enable"}))


Supported currently are the following features:

  • simple mathematical operations (+, -, *, /, %)
  • comparisons (==, !=, >, <, <=, >=)
  • boolean operations (||, &&, !)
  • regex match operator (=~)
  • elvis operator (?:)
    • if the left side is "" or a JSON null, then returns the right side, otherwise evaluates to the left side.
  • Safe Access operator (?.) or (?.[index])
    • if the left side is an empty string or a JSON null, then return null. Otherwise, attempt to index. Note that indexing an empty JSON string ('""') is an error.
    • This can still cause an error to occur if the left hand side exists but is not an object or an array. (Number or String).
  • conditionals (condition ? 'value' : 'other value')
  • numbers, strings, booleans and variable references (12, 'hi', true, some_variable)
  • json access (object.field, array[12], object["field"])
    • for this, the object/array value needs to refer to a variable that contains a valid json string.
  • some function calls:
    • round(number, decimal_digits): Round a number to the given amount of decimals
    • sin(number), cos(number), tan(number), cot(number): Calculate the trigonometric value of a given number in radians
    • min(a, b), max(a, b): Get the smaller or bigger number out of two given numbers
    • degtorad(number): Converts a number from degrees to radians
    • radtodeg(number): Converts a number from radians to degrees
    • replace(string, regex, replacement): Replace matches of a given regex in a string
    • search(string, regex): Search for a given regex in a string (returns array)
    • matches(string, regex): check if a given string matches a given regex (returns bool)
    • captures(string, regex): Get the captures of a given regex in a string (returns array)
    • strlength(value): Gets the length of the string
    • substring(string, start, length): Return a substring of given length starting at the given index
    • arraylength(value): Gets the length of the array
    • objectlength(value): Gets the amount of entries in the object
    • jq(value, jq_filter_string): run a jq style command on a json value. (Uses jaq internally).
    • get_env(string): Gets the specified enviroment variable
    • formattime(unix_timestamp, format_str, timezone): Gets the time in a given format from UNIX timestamp. Check chrono's documentation for more information about format string and chrono-tz's documentation for available time zones.
    • formattime(unix_timestamp, format_str): Gets the time in a given format from UNIX timestamp. Same as other formattime, but does not accept timezone. Instead, it uses system's local timezone. Check chrono's documentation for more information about format string.



Eww is styled in GTK CSS. You can use Vanilla CSS or SCSS to make theming even easier. The latter is compiled into CSS for you. If you don't know any way to style something check out the GTK CSS Overview wiki, the GTK CSS Properties Overview wiki , or use the GTK-Debugger.

If you have NO clue about how to do CSS, check out some online guides or tutorials.

SCSS is very close to CSS, so if you know CSS you'll have no problem learning SCSS.


The debugger can be used for a lot of things, especially if something doesn't work or isn't styled right.

To open the GTK debugger, simply run

eww inspector

If a style or something similar doesn't work, you can click on the icon in the top left to select the thing that isn't being styled correctly.

Then you can click on the drop down menu in the top right corner and select CSS Nodes. Here you will see everything about styling it, CSS Properties, and how it's structured.

Magic variables

These are variables that are always there, without you having to import them.

The delay between all the updating variables except EWW_TIME is 2s, for EWW_TIME it is 1s.


Heat of the components in degree Celsius


{ <name>: temperature }


Information on ram and swap usage in bytes.


{ total_mem, free_mem, total_swap, free_swap, available_mem, used_mem, used_mem_perc }


Information on on all mounted partitions (Might report inaccurately on some filesystems, like btrfs and zfs) Example: {EWW_DISK["/"]}


{ <mount_point>: { name, total, free, used, used_perc } }


Battery capacity in percent of the main battery


{ <name>: { capacity, status } }


Information on the CPU cores: frequency and usage (No MacOS support)


{ cores: [{ core, freq, usage }], avg }


Bytes up/down on all interfaces


{ <name>: { up, down } }


the current UNIX timestamp


Path to the eww configuration of the current process


eww command running in the current configuration, useful in event handlers. I.e.: :onclick "${EWW_CMD} update foo=bar"


Full path of the eww executable



these properties apply to all widgets, and can be used anywhere!


  • class: string css class name
  • valign: string how to align this vertically. possible values: "fill", "baseline", "center", "start", "end"
  • halign: string how to align this horizontally. possible values: "fill", "baseline", "center", "start", "end"
  • vexpand: bool should this container expand vertically. Default: false.
  • hexpand: bool should this widget expand horizontally. Default: false.
  • width: int width of this element. note that this can not restrict the size if the contents stretch it
  • height: int height of this element. note that this can not restrict the size if the contents stretch it
  • active: bool If this widget can be interacted with
  • tooltip: string tooltip text (on hover)
  • visible: bool visibility of the widget
  • style: string inline scss style applied to the widget
  • css: string scss code applied to the widget, i.e.: button {color: red;}


A combo box allowing the user to choose between several items.


  • items: vec Items that should be displayed in the combo box
  • timeout: duration timeout of the command: Default: "200ms"
  • onchange: string runs the code when a item was selected, replacing {} with the item as a string


A widget that can expand and collapse, showing/hiding it's children. Should contain


  • name: string name of the expander
  • expanded: bool sets if the tree is expanded


A widget that can reveal a child with an animation.


  • transition: string the name of the transition. Possible values: "slideright", "slideleft", "slideup", "slidedown", "crossfade", "none"
  • reveal: bool sets if the child is revealed or not
  • duration: duration the duration of the reveal transition. Default: "500ms"

a checkbox

A checkbox that can trigger events on checked / unchecked.


  • checked: bool whether the checkbox is toggled or not when created
  • timeout: duration timeout of the command. Default: "200ms"
  • onchecked: string action (command) to be executed when checked by the user
  • onunchecked: string similar to onchecked but when the widget is unchecked


A button opening a color chooser window


  • use-alpha: bool bool to whether or not use alpha
  • onchange: string runs the code when the color was selected
  • timeout: duration timeout of the command. Default: "200ms"


A color chooser widget


  • use-alpha: bool bool to wether or not use alpha
  • onchange: string runs the code when the color was selected
  • timeout: duration timeout of the command. Default: "200ms"


A slider.


  • flipped: bool flip the direction
  • marks: string draw marks
  • draw-value: bool draw the value of the property
  • round-digits: int Sets the number of decimals to round the value to when it changes
  • value: float the value
  • min: float the minimum value
  • max: float the maximum value
  • timeout: duration timeout of the command. Default: "200ms"
  • onchange: string command executed once the value is changes. The placeholder {}, used in the command will be replaced by the new value.
  • orientation: string orientation of the widget. Possible values: "vertical", "v", "horizontal", "h"


A progress bar. HINT: for the width property to work, you may need to set the min-width of progressbar > trough in your css.


  • flipped: bool flip the direction
  • value: float value of the progress bar (between 0-100)
  • orientation: string orientation of the progress bar. possible values: "vertical", "v", "horizontal", "h"


An input field. For this to be useful, set focusable="true" on the window.


  • value: string the content of the text field
  • onchange: string Command to run when the text changes. The placeholder {} will be replaced by the value
  • timeout: duration timeout of the command. Default: "200ms"
  • onaccept: string Command to run when the user hits return in the input field. The placeholder {} will be replaced by the value
  • password: bool if the input is obscured


A button containing any widget as it's child. Events are triggered on release.


  • timeout: duration timeout of the command. Default: "200ms"
  • onclick: string command to run when the button is activated either by leftclicking or keyboard
  • onmiddleclick: string command to run when the button is middleclicked
  • onrightclick: string command to run when the button is rightclicked


A widget displaying an image


  • path: string path to the image file
  • image-width: int width of the image
  • image-height: int height of the image
  • preserve-aspect-ratio: bool whether to keep the aspect ratio when resizing an image. Default: true, false doesn't work for all image types
  • fill-svg: string sets the color of svg images
  • icon: string name of a theme icon
  • icon-size: string size of the theme icon


the main layout container


  • spacing: int spacing between elements
  • orientation: string orientation of the box. possible values: "vertical", "v", "horizontal", "h"
  • space-evenly: bool space the widgets evenly.


a widget that places its children on top of each other. The overlay widget takes the size of its first child.



A widget that have a custom tooltip. The first child is the content of the tooltip, the second one is the content of the widget.



a box that must contain exactly three children, which will be layed out at the start, center and end of the container.


  • orientation: string orientation of the centerbox. possible values: "vertical", "v", "horizontal", "h"


a container with a single child that can scroll.


  • hscroll: bool scroll horizontally
  • vscroll: bool scroll vertically


a container which can receive events and must contain exactly one child. Supports :hover and :active css selectors.


  • timeout: duration timeout of the command. Default: "200ms"
  • onscroll: string event to execute when the user scrolls with the mouse over the widget. The placeholder {} used in the command will be replaced with either up or down.
  • onhover: string event to execute when the user hovers over the widget
  • onhoverlost: string event to execute when the user losts hovers over the widget
  • cursor: string Cursor to show while hovering (see gtk3-cursors for possible names)
  • ondropped: string Command to execute when something is dropped on top of this element. The placeholder {} used in the command will be replaced with the uri to the dropped thing.
  • dragvalue: string URI that will be provided when dragging from this widget
  • dragtype: string Type of value that should be dragged from this widget. Possible values: "file", "text"
  • onclick: string command to run when the widget is clicked
  • onmiddleclick: string command to run when the widget is middleclicked
  • onrightclick: string command to run when the widget is rightclicked


A text widget giving you more control over how the text is displayed


  • text: string the text to display
  • truncate: bool whether to truncate text (or pango markup). If show-truncated is false, or if limit-width has a value, this property has no effect and truncation is enabled.
  • limit-width: int maximum count of characters to display
  • truncate-left: bool whether to truncate on the left side
  • show-truncated: bool show whether the text was truncated. Disabling it will also disable dynamic truncation (the labels won't be truncated more than limit-width, even if there is not enough space for them), and will completly disable truncation on pango markup.
  • unindent: bool whether to remove leading spaces
  • markup: string Pango markup to display
  • wrap: bool Wrap the text. This mainly makes sense if you set the width of this widget.
  • angle: float the angle of rotation for the label (between 0 - 360)
  • gravity: string the gravity of the string (south, east, west, north, auto). Text will want to face the direction of gravity.
  • xalign: float the alignment of the label text on the x axis (between 0 - 1, 0 -> left, 0.5 -> center, 1 -> right)
  • yalign: float the alignment of the label text on the y axis (between 0 - 1, 0 -> bottom, 0.5 -> center, 1 -> top)
  • justify: string the justification of the label text (left, right, center, fill)


A widget that allows you to render arbitrary yuck.


  • content: string inline yuck that will be rendered as a widget.


A widget that displays a calendar


  • day: float the selected day
  • month: float the selected month
  • year: float the selected year
  • show-details: bool show details
  • show-heading: bool show heading line
  • show-day-names: bool show names of days
  • show-week-numbers: bool show week numbers
  • onclick: string command to run when the user selects a date. The {0} placeholder will be replaced by the selected day, {1} will be replaced by the month, and {2} by the year.
  • timeout: duration timeout of the command. Default: "200ms"


A widget that displays one of its children at a time


  • selected: int index of child which should be shown
  • transition: string the name of the transition. Possible values: "slideright", "slideleft", "slideup", "slidedown", "crossfade", "none"
  • same-size: bool sets whether all children should be the same size


A widget that applies transformations to its content. They are applied in the following order: rotate -> translate -> scale


  • rotate: float the percentage to rotate
  • transform-origin-x: string x coordinate of origin of transformation (px or %)
  • transform-origin-y: string y coordinate of origin of transformation (px or %)
  • translate-x: string the amount to translate in the x direction (px or %)
  • translate-y: string the amount to translate in the y direction (px or %)
  • scale-x: string the amount to scale in the x direction (px or %)
  • scale-y: string the amount to scale in the y direction (px or %)


A widget that displays a circular progress bar


  • value: float the value, between 0 - 100
  • start-at: float the percentage that the circle should start at
  • thickness: float the thickness of the circle
  • clockwise: bool wether the progress bar spins clockwise or counter clockwise


A widget that displays a graph showing how a given value changes over time


  • value: float the value, between 0 - 100
  • thickness: float the thickness of the line
  • time-range: duration the range of time to show
  • min: float the minimum value to show (defaults to 0 if value_max is provided)
  • max: float the maximum value to show
  • dynamic: bool whether the y range should dynamically change based on value
  • line-style: string changes the look of the edges in the graph. Values: "miter" (default), "round",
  • flip-x: bool whether the x axis should go from high to low
  • flip-y: bool whether the y axis should go from high to low
  • vertical: bool if set to true, the x and y axes will be exchanged


Tray for system notifier icons


  • spacing: int spacing between elements
  • orientation: string orientation of the box. possible values: "vertical", "v", "horizontal", "h"
  • space-evenly: bool space the widgets evenly.
  • icon-size: int size of icons in the tray
  • prepend-new: bool prepend new icons.


Here you will find help if something doesn't work. If the issue isn't listed here, please open an issue on the GitHub repo.

Eww does not compile

  1. Make sure that you are compiling eww using a recent version of rust (run rustup update to be sure you have the latest version available)
  2. Make sure you have all the necessary dependencies. If there are compile-errors, the compiler will tell you what you're missing.

Eww does not work on Wayland

  1. Make sure you compiled eww with the --no-default-features --features=wayland flags.
  2. Make sure that you're not trying to use X11-specific features (these are (hopefully) explicitly specified as such in the documentation).

My configuration is not loaded correctly

  1. Make sure the eww.yuck and eww.(s)css files are in the correct places.
  2. Sometimes, eww might fail to load your configuration as a result of a configuration error. Make sure your configuration is valid.

Something isn't styled correctly!

Check the GTK-Debugger to get more insight into what styles GTK is applying to which elements.

General issues

You should try the following things before opening an issue or doing more specialized troubleshooting:

  • Kill the eww daemon by running eww kill and re-open your window with the --debug-flag to get additional log output.
  • Now you can take a look at the logs by running eww logs.
  • Use eww state to see the state of all variables.
  • Use eww debug to see the structure of your widget and other information.
  • Update to the latest eww version.
  • Sometimes hot reloading doesn't work. In that case, you can make use of eww reload manually.

Remember, if your issue isn't listed here, open an issue on the GitHub repo.

Example Configurations

These configurations of eww are available in the examples/ directory of the repo.

An eww bar configuration: Example bar

A demo on how to declare and use data structures:

Data structure example